Sep 20, 2010


[English] XD another speedpainting!

[Português] xD outro speedpainting!


  1. uma coisa, pq nos 2:30 (+/-) fica desse jeito ae? ._.' "parece efeito de movie maker" XD

  2. XD exatamente! em vez de colocar efeito de aumentar velocidade, eu colokei alto contraste xD só fui perceber depois de pronto -.-''' aih eu resolvi deixar pra arrumar depois pq demora pra ele salvar o arquivo auehauehuhea!

  3. Wow, very nice vivis! Your painting skills are great as usual~~ @u@

    I had Sai before but had to wipe my computer, seems because I took out all my PC parts I can no longer use the trial version. :( Is there a lot of community created stuff for Sai?

    Haha, I am still using Open Canvas 3!

  4. hey kiikiiiii!

    ;u; thanks so much! but your skills are greater than mine LOLOL!!!!

    I think there's a mobile version of SAI and you can use it, but it seems that that version doesn't save your tools configuration. I bought SAI license, it's not so expensive and I it worth! (to blend the colors with SAI is much better than with Open Canvas 3! I can send to you my tool configuration, its almost like pen in pchat!)

    I think a lot of people from japan use SAI, dunno if many people from ocident use it XD
